Friday, January 28, 2005

No More Taxes

I saw a blurb on the news last night about the government wanting to put in place a Vanity Tax on elective cosmetic procedures. I understand the concept of adding a normal 6.5% sales tax to the procedures but don't give it a special category like the "Sin Tax" on alcohol and tobacco and the "Luxury Tax" on certain kinds of vehicles. Because before you know it, that little 6.5% will eventually become %20 or greater. It makes me feel like the senators are sitting around thinking "hmmm...what's popular in our culture today and how can we profit from it?" I mean really what's next? An extra tax on cafe lattes and cafe mochas? Or a tea tax? The Boston Tea Party: 1773 Or a fancy underwear tax? Enough already! And where will this extra tax money go? Probably to campaign advertising....hey, I have an idea...why don't they have a senator campaign advertising tax....because you know, if they have enough money to campaign, then they must have enough money to pay an extra tax!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Kiss My Cube Goodbye

Fortress of Solitude
Originally uploaded by Anastasia Studios.
6 1/2 more working days left to spend in my cubicle. It isn't my cube itself that I hate so much, really, it's more of what it represents in the corporate culture. It's so boring, drab and uncreative. In the spring, summer and fall it was unbearable spending the beautiful days stuck in here. I grew resentful of my little cube even though it was no fault of its own.
These last few months it has been my fortress of solitude, the place I try to hide to avoid any public contact. I grew so unhappy in my job that I just couldn't face people. I don't want to be that way.
So you see,little cubicle, this is why I have to leave. I must go follow my dreams and be happy. I hope your new owner takes good care of you and I hope the fluorescent lights don't prematurely age you. Maybe one day they will release you so you can live your dream of being a cube out in the wild.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Skating Party

Skating Party
Originally uploaded by Anastasia Studios.
We went to a skating party Monday night. I am so happy my son enjoys skating, it is one of my favorite things to do. I forgot to bring my camera this week but this photo is from a party last fall.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

9 More Days

I am sitting here making a list of things I need to do before I leave THE company. I have been here twelve years and I have never before thought to inquire what I do with my little retirment account upon my departure. Other items on list: I should probably attempt to get a pair of contacts before I leave so I can pass my next eye exam at the BMV. I need to clean my desk, organize my files. Oh sure, I know that sounds easy but you haven't seen my desk.

It is a strange feeling when I hear conversations about BIG changes that are going to take place after February the 4th. Lucky for me, a new food service provider taking over our cafeteria operations just isn't enough to make me want to stay. Someone asked me today if I changed my mind yet about leaving. Ummm NO!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Here's the deal

Yesterday I turned in my two week notice to leave the corporate world and become a full time artist and free-lance illustrator. I started this journal to track my thoughts, progress and daily events of my new life. I have always wanted to do this but I was too scared. I finally decided it was scarier to stay in a job that made me miserable. I haven't told my parents yet. My husband is being very supportive and my son is extremely excited that he will get to see mommy more. Hopefully I will make everyone proud (i.e. make enough to pay the bills) and never have to hear the words mission statement or six sigma again.

Winter Portraits

Copyright © 2005 A. Anastasia
Jen & Amy Posted by Hello
Here is one of my latest paintings.
I am in need of serious haircut, but my sister Jen is always perfectly groomed. Yes, I am jealous. Do you like my Boy George hat?